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The Art and Science of Putting
The Most Important Club
in Your Bag
Honu Fit Kit
The Honu Fit Kit lets our certified fitters adapt a Honu Putter for ideal results with an individual golfer. It's built around a special version of a Honu Putter with adjustable shaft angles and shaft length. It works for both right-handed and left-handed golfers, and for different putting styles. Once adjusted and locked-in, the golfer can play a few holes with that special putter to verify its performance. When the golfer is satisfied, the fitter reads off the specs and submits an order for a custom-built Honu Putter.
The special Fit Kit putter is not legal for tournament play because of its adjustability, but the custom-build putters are legal.
Here are the Fit Kit components.

To set the shaft tilt angle, which is closely related to the putter's lie angle, you select one of the Angle Adapters, screw it onto the Adjustable Length Shaft, and insert it into the putter head.
The Angle Adapter can be rotated to adjust the ball position forward and backward in the golfer's stance. A thumbscrew locks it into place.
The shaft length can be changed by loosening the locking nut with the wrench.
Step-by-step procedures for fitting to a golfer, for different putting styles, are given in the following links.
Fitting for the conventional putting style (link).
Fitting for the arm-lock putting style (to be supplied).
Fitting for the side-saddle putting style (to be supplied).
Video Fitting
Fitting parameters can be reviewed and confirmed by taking slo-mo videos of the setup and impact. For accurate readings, the camera needs to be aligned correctly. Here is the standard setup for the toward-the-golfer view. The height of the camera is not critical but should be reasonably close to the ground. The paper provides a consistent distance and square reference lines.