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The Art and Science of Putting
The Most Important Club
in Your Bag
Note from the Honu designer: I'm especially pleased with the following testimonial from Jack Kuykendall. Jack's many insights into the physics, biomechanics, and neuro-psychology of golf have inspired and informed me. It's an honor to have my design validated by him. Check out Jack's website . It will change the way you think about golf.
Honu Putter - Jack Kuykendall
(Golf’s #1 Scientific Teacher – GM Top 100 1996-2003 - )
The Honu Putter is an EXCELLENT scientific designed putter.
Center Shafted and weighted to spin on axis,
No torque on head in back and forward stroke.
Shaft Angle (custom fitted),
Shaft set to any angle,
Side to side
Front to back
Visual Optimization,
The “T” line allows for correct visual alignment of the ball to the initial direction of ball roll

Ball Roll: The number one principle of ball roll is to have immediate over-spin off the putter face.
The Honu putter face has ZERO loft; physics demands immediate over-spin!
There is friction between the ball and the grass. Any impact, center above the center of the ball, must produce immediate over-spin. With ZERO loft, this must happen.
With putts inside of approximately 6 feet, there will be immediate over-spin and the ball will stay in contact with the grass.
With longer putts, for example around 18 feet, the ball will become airborne for a short distance and then begin to roll. With the Honu, there is still immediate over-spin. When the ball remakes contact with the ground, both the direction and speed will remain optimum!