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Note from the Honu designer: I'm especially pleased with the following testimonial from Jack Kuykendall.  Jack's many insights into the physics, biomechanics, and neuro-psychology of golf have inspired and informed me.  It's an honor to have my design validated by him. Check out Jack's website . It will change the way you think about golf.

Honu Putter - Jack Kuykendall


(Golf’s #1 Scientific Teacher – GM Top 100 1996-2003 - )

The Honu Putter is an EXCELLENT scientific designed putter.

  • Center Shafted and weighted to spin on axis,

    • No torque on head in back and forward stroke.

  • Shaft Angle (custom fitted),

    • Shaft set to any angle,

      • Side to side

      • Front to back

  • Visual Optimization,

    • The “T” line allows for correct visual alignment of the ball to the initial direction of ball roll


Ball Roll: The number one principle of ball roll is to have immediate over-spin off the putter face.

  • The Honu putter face has ZERO loft; physics demands immediate over-spin!

    • There is friction between the ball and the grass. Any impact, center above the center of the ball, must produce immediate over-spin. With ZERO loft, this must happen.

    • With putts inside of approximately 6 feet, there will be immediate over-spin and the ball will stay in contact with the grass.

    • With longer putts, for example around 18 feet, the ball will become airborne for a short distance and then begin to roll. With the Honu, there is still immediate over-spin. When the ball remakes contact with the ground, both the direction and speed will remain optimum!

  • Honu Golf Putters Facebook Page
  • Honu Golf Putters YouTube channel


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